What is an Autoresponder? Amazingly enough, there are still many people trying to market a product, or service, online who do not know the answer to that question. The best place to find an answer is the world wide web. A few hours search at google will not give you a different definition from these-
1. "An auto-responder is a script that automatically responds to email with one or more pre written messages. Other names for Autoresponders are: mailbots, inhabits, autoptic and email-on-demand."
2. "An Autoresponder is an e-mail program located on a mail server, set up with single or multiple pre-programmed messages."
3. "Very simply, an Autoresponder is a bit of software that sits on a server and automatically delivers your information to anyone who asks for it."
4. "An Autoresponder is just what it sounds like. It is software that automatically responds to e-mail that is sent to it."
5. An Autoresponder is your virtual secretary.
What an autoresponder can do for your business
1. "An Autoresponder is A Seller Who Never Sleeps"
2. "An Autoresponder is the Cheapest Personal Assistant you will ever hire"
3. "Your Autoresponder, combined with savvy marketing is the speediest way to immediately boost business!"
4. "Email Autoresponders are a time saving tool that send your selling message out automatically at standard intervals."
5. "An Autoresponder is an immense time saver."
6. "An Autoresponder turns visitors into buyers"
And finally:
1. "Auto-responders make the difference between having a website that works hard for you and you constantly having to work hard for your website"
Do you notice the difference? These definitions point to the Huge benefits that Autoresponders have for you and your business.
Suppose you get 500 visitors a day to your site and one in fifty of them requests information. That's ten e-mails you're going to have to send manually for the next few days or weeks. And tomorrow you get another ten, and the next day another ten... can you imagine how complicated managing this process could be?
How can you handle this flood of email without an autoresponder? Why would you want to?
You only have to grab one here and get STARTED.
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