Step-1. Initial message - Introduce yourself
Thank your prospects for requesting information from you, and introduce yourself and the benefits you offer. Tell them that you'll include a FREE discount for requesting information from you.
List all the methods of contacting you, and give information on how they can buy from you and the payment methods you accept.
Step-2. Follow-up 1- Introduce Special Offers
Remind your prospect that they requested info from you, and tell them that you've given them a special discount for a limited time. Remind them that it's a time limited offer, so they must act fast if they wish to redeem it.
Step-3. Follow-up 2 - Pile up the benefits
Elaborate on your previous offer by listing all the benefits you're product/service offers. Don't take this section lightly. Pile on as much benefits as possible, so your prospect is astounded by you offer.
When I say benefits, I don't mean features. People like to hear what it does for them. Will it make them more money? Will it make them lose weight? Tell them what it does for them.
Step-4. Follow-up 3 - Add Extra Offers
Tell them that as well as the special discount, you've decided to add in an extra special gift worth X amount of dollars just for responding quickly. Again, add a time limiting factor to emphasize that action is required NOW.
Step-5. Follow-up 4 - Compare your products/services
Chances are that whatever you're selling, Tom down the road is trying to compete with your product too. What makes your service/product better than theirs? Compare your features with the competitor to let your prospects know that you offer the best there is.
Step-6. Follow-up 5 - Tell a story of your product/service
Everyone likes stories. So if you can give a real-world example of how your product or service is benefiting someone's life right now, then you're guaranteed to attract the prospects attention.
People like to feel that they're special, not just another number. So personalize your follow-up with a story that they can relate to.
Step-7. Follow-up 6 - Give Testimonials
People will trust you more if you give examples of present or past customers who have enjoyed your product.
If you can add an email link to the customers, then even better. If people know you're product is worth spending their hard-earned dollars on, then they will buy it. Adding testimonials creates the final bond of trust that's needed to push your prospects to become paid customers.
By using the above method to create a systematic approach for your follow-ups, you're making it crystal clear what you're offering and how it'll benefit the prospect.
But more importantly, you're creating trust for your prospect. Once an element of trust is there, your prospects are ten times more likely to buy from you.
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